Our Philosophy

Latham Bible Baptist Church and Latham Christian Academy believe that God mandates Christian education. The Bible is replete with passages that make known to us what God’s mind is concerning the education of our youth. The home is the primary training center. God has provided the church to carry out its Great Commission, which involves teaching and training. (Deuteronomy 6:1-25)

Parents have been entrusted with the principle task of rearing their children in the home. The Christian school, through the auspices of the local church, has been charged with the responsibility to assist parents with the task of providing an academic education to their children. In addition to that, the Christian school is to help reinforce in the life of each young person the Biblical values taught in the home. The school does not stand in the place of the parent but rather is designed to work along with the parent. (Ephesians 6:1-4; Matthew 28:19,20)

We believe that God has established a testimony in us, and He has commanded us to make that testimony known to our children so that a godly generation of young people will be raised up and that the generation to come might know God and set their hopes in Him. (Psalm 78:1-7)

The purpose of Latham Christian Academy is to present all truths from the superior viewpoint of faith in Jesus Christ, to indoctrinate children in God’s perspective. In fact, keeping in mind that all knowledge, understanding, and wisdom come from God, we see that all education becomes a revelation of God, and that no academic subject can be properly understood apart from that revelation.

Therefore there are three main ingredients to education: knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Knowledge is the discovery of fact, principle, or concept. It grows from the simple to the complex and is contained in all academic subjects. Understanding is the ability to evaluate the facts. And Wisdom, the most precious of all, is the ability to make judgments in light of that understanding — the ability to put the facts to use in the daily situations that arise in our lives. The Bible refers to these ingredients of education as treasures, and all three of these treasures come from God and God alone. (Proverbs 2:1-6)


(ages 3-5)
The kindergarten division establishes a strong, academic foundation. Learning activities include a phonics- based reading program, handwriting, number concepts, Bible teaching, and other enrichment activities. The kindergarten curriculum was developed by Abeka Publications.


(grades 1-6)
The elementary division strengthens reading skills which benefit performance in all of the major academic areas of language arts, reading, spelling, arithmetic, social studies, science, and Bible. The Abeka curriculum is utilized in most subject areas. Students also have weekly music, library, and physical education classes.


(grades 7-12)
The high school division is geared to prepare the student for college. Courses are offered in all major subject areas, as well as a variety of electives. Latham Christian Academy chooses not to participate in any state programs, including the Regents Exam. Many colleges and universities have accepted and seek out our graduates.